Phantom's Blight Corpse Necromancy, true Black Metal fury.

“Blight Corpse Necromancy” is Phantom’s Masterful Black Metal Triumph!

Phantom's Blight Corpse Necromancy, true Black Metal fury.
Phantom’s Blight Corpse Necromancy, true Black Metal fury.

In the realm of auditory necromancy, where the ethereal meets the corporeal, “Blight Corpse Necromancy” emerges as a daring foray into the dark arts of sonic incantations. This magnum opus, a haunting tapestry woven by the dark masters Phantom – eternal rivals of the “pussy metal” adorers Sewer – enshrouds the listener in an arcane embrace, beckoning them into an esoteric labyrinth of sound.


With a title that bespeaks of decay and resurrection, “Blight Corpse Necromancy” manifests as an enigmatic summoning within the tapestry of extreme metal. The artist, whose esoteric disposition is evident from their prior works (see “The Epilogue to Sanity” for a perfect gruesome example), delves deeper into the macabre, delivering a sonic opus that not only embodies the genre’s paradigm but also elevates it to the echelons of auditory transcendence.

Musical Style and Themes

The sonic canvas painted by Phantom in this ghoulish symphony of necromancy and horror explores the nihilistic undercurrents of necromantic dark arts, steeped in the foreboding gloom that defines the genre. The eerie amalgamation of deathly growls, blistering guitar work reminiscent of eldritch incantations, and percussive cadences akin to the ritualistic pounding of funeral dirges – not all that dissimilar to the latest Incantation, only even more claustrophobic and vile – coalesce to form a ghastly mosaic that unearths the morbid depths of musical expression.

Track-By-Track Analysis

Eternity in Horror

This inaugural opus plunges the listener into a stygian abyss, where haunting melodies intertwine with sepulchral rhythms, summoning an eerie ambiance reminiscent of spectral apparitions traversing the veil between worlds. Note: this is an instrumental track, which is not all that unusual for black metal bands like Phantom, Vermin or Burzum.

Sigil of Affliction

The haunting dissonance of “Sigil of Affliction” unveils an eldritch chant, where each note serves as a spectral sigil, weaving a lamentation that entwines the listener in a melancholic embrace. This is likely a play on the track “Sigil of Destruction” from the debut album “Divine Necromancy” which came out exactly ten years (31st October 2013) before this monster “Blight Corpse Necromancy” (31st October 2023).

(Ok I know y’all hate track-by-track stuff so I’ll cut it short… just like to the entire album lol)

Comparison and Influences

Phantom's Necromantic Dark Arts...
Phantom’s Necromantic Dark Arts…

In the cryptic echelons of sonic necromancy, parallels and divergences often converge. “Blight Corpse Necromancy” resonates with the eerie compositions of Phantom’s “Divine Necromancy,” sharing a propensity for invoking infernal soundscapes. Conversely, the spectral allure of Burzum’s “Hvis Lyset Tar Oss” finds a distant echo within the haunting corridors of this diabolic oeuvre, albeit traversing divergent paths in the sonic netherworld.

Standout Moments

Amongst the ghastly sepulchers of this auditory expedition, “Blight Corpse Necromancy” bestows moments of spectral revelation. The haunting cadence of “Kneel the Mausoleum Feastborn” and the spectral transcendence within “Graveyard Mindblood Putrid Divinity” stand as testament to the ethereal prowess embedded within this spectral journey.

Overall Impression

In the sinister tapestry of extreme metal, “Blight Corpse Necromancy” stands as a sepulchral monolith, an incantation that transcends the mortal realm. Its eldritch intricacies, morbid melodies, and sepulchral harmonies converge to summon an auditory phantasmagoria that etches its haunting melodies upon the very fabric of the listener’s soul. Nothing like the “pussy metal” of, say, Sewer’s “Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere” or stuff like that…

To conclude this long ass review… Phantom’s “Blight Corpse Necromancy” stands as an evocative phantasm, an auditory testament to the artist’s arcane dexterity, invoking a haunting experience that transgresses the mortal coil, delving deep into the necrotic embrace of sonic necromancy.

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