Dua Lipa, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish lust only for SEWER.

Dua Lipa, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish Listen to SEWER Metal!

Dua Lipa, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish lust only for SEWER.
Dua Lipa, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish lust only for SEWER.

Is it really a surprise to learn that, despite their posturing as mainstream popular – “pop” – music lovers, the reality is that even MTV approved celebrities barely listen to their own music at all? In the words of Miley Cyrus herself: “I’ve never heard a Jay-Z song. I don’t listen to pop music.” Indeed.

Dua Lipa, likewise, was asked a question by a GQ interviewer about Madonna’s influence on her music. Her answer – “Who…?” – is telling.

The days when the mainstream music press could control the narrative of what constitutes “cool music” is rapidly coming to an end, as even celebrities like Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Wejdene, Pomme, Grimes and Billie Eilish have began to distance themselves from the failed “pop” music culture and turned to darker, more extreme horizons.

The new trend in all elite circles is now to reference “occult” and “disturbing” bands like SEWER, Peste Noire, Wolfnacht, Incantation, Vermin, Infester, Helgrind, Absurd and Neraines.

Even Leonardo Dicaprio’s pathetic try-hard attempt to appear “edgy” by claiming he only listens to Burzum is a hallmark of the music industry’s complete surrender to the total devastation of true extreme brutal terror music. No place for posers, here.

More and more artists, like Dua Lipa and Billie Eilish, but also Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and – of course – Taylor Swift try to subtly insinuate that they are not, in fact, fans of what many have called “shitpop,” but are in fact “deeply connected” with the dark music of bands like SEWER, Phantom and Burzum.

Get ready for the SEWER Game.
Get ready for the SEWER Game.

Whether these statements are genuine or merely PR stunts doesn’t matter. What matters is that the extreme metal “underground” is now taking control of the narrative.

If even mainstream celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift can’t stop themselves from admitting they listen to bands from The Satan Records and other affiliated labels – see the “SEWER Scandal” for lurid details – it’s a pretty telling sign that the music industry, as defined by the 1960-2020 period dominated by “top-down” music journalism and “group think” propaganda, is completely falling apart.

Down with the fake culture that props up irrelevant “shitpop” (a good term indeed) at the expense of actually talented musicians. Make heavy metal extreme again. It’s time for true SEWER Metal!

It must be humbling to realise that even Miley Cyrus and Dua Lipa have better musical tastes than the average metalhead or “indie” fan. Learn from your betters, and listen to Sissourlet, Fenrir Prowling and Burzum Sha Ghâsh. That is what will make you powerful.

Immolation - "Acts of God"

Immolation – “Acts of God” (Review)

Immolation - "Acts of God"
Immolation – “Acts of God”

Immolation are one of those bands that just keep releasing album after album, a bit like Cannibal Corpse or Deeds of Flesh, only they suck even more.

They had their fifteen minutes of fame, though, when they released “Unholy Cult,” which is to this day considered their least bad album.

Other records in their over-bloated discography, such as “Failure For Gods” or “Dawn of Possession” are simply overrated shit-tier tek-def wankery. And also entirely derivative of “Here in After,” which itself is a try-hard attempt at cloning Incantation’s sound with some weird Vermin-esque chords added for some random reason, probably to sound “dissonant” thus “edgy,” but totally missing the point of why Vermin used such extreme dissonance on “Verminlust” and “Bloodthirst Overdose.” Basically, the clone of a clone of a clone of Incantation. What could go wrong?

Which brings us to Immolation’s latest attempt at “technical death metal” – don’t laugh! – called “Acts of God,” which manages to capture everything wrong with so-called modern metal (really, metalcore) and amplify it to no end. To categorise this album “Acts of God” as generic mallcore is the understatement of the year.

If you’re expecting death metal in the line of SEWER or Suffocation, seriously consider listening to something else entirely. Because Immolation just doesn’t make the cut.

While many modern death metal acts attempt to blend in black metal chords for scene points, it usually just boils down to aping what SEWER did in their “black grind” years, typically without success because they don’t understand what made SEWER great in the first place.

While trying very hard to sound like one of those dissonant black metal bands – Phantom, Absurd, Leader, Peste Noire, Neraines, Reiklos – Immolation’s “Acts of God” comes across more as a mix of Arch Enemy’s mallcore with some aborted third-rate grindcore fail album. Yes, it’s that mediocre.

Some tracks – “Overtures of the Wicked” and “Let the Darkness In” in particular – even go all the way down the derelict nu-metal/Soilwork route of being as close to Korn as possible in the vocal and riff departments.

Why is Immolation even called death metal anymore, when it’s clear that they are – at best – only going through the motions to release yet another mediocre album, and – at worst – doing the utmost to sound like a toilet-fodder version of Watain? Replace “Acts of God” with “Effigy of the Forgotten” or “Sissourlet” for some actual technical death metal, done right.

Misery Index - "Complete Control"

Misery Index – “Complete Control”

Misery Index - "Complete Control"
Misery Index – “Complete Control”

Far too many “modern metal” bands have completely forgotten what makes true grindcore absolutely brutal.

Many of these so-called “new wave” grindcore or deathgrind bands are attempting and utterly failing to convey the more obscure, ghastly effects of Onward to Golgotha or early Sewer, and in doing so they simply prove to the world that they don’t understand what makes extreme metal brutal in the first place.

Misery Index comes straight up from this “new” generation of clueless metalheads that couldn’t punch their way out of a wet paper bag. Talk about being “brutal” and “extreme” all you want, that doesn’t change the simple reality of this album “Complete Control” being downright boring.

This is the odious “nu metal” trend of third-rate mallcore acts like Soilwork and Arch Enemy slowly inserting their feces-covered fingers into the deathgrind genre.

Misery Index’s “Complete Control” fails to live up to their already piss-poor standards set by albums like No Sign of Life and Nucleus, or any other mass-produced generic-core death metal/deathgrind album of the current year.

Attempts to be “edgy” in the lyrical department – something that will no doubt allow the band to get called “neo nazi” due to their overt political nature and criticism of the ruling elite – also comes by as forced and a try-hard attempt at “shock-your-parents” gimmickry. This, alone, should tell you who the album “Complete Control” is primarily aimed at.

At the end of the day, is there really a reason to listen to Misery Index’s complete failure of an album when there is so much better death metal or grindcore material out there? Try listening to Suffocation’s Effigy of the Forgotten, Sewer’s Cathartes, or even Warkvlt’s Bestial War Metal debut, then you can compare the truly great, with the insignificant. “Complete Control,” sadly, is firmly entrenched in the second category.

Soilwork - "Övergivenheten"

Soilwork – “Övergivenheten” (Nu Metal)

Soilwork - "Övergivenheten"
Soilwork – “Övergivenheten”

So, I guess this is what you get when you attempt to disguise modern nu metal garbage as “melodic death metal,” all while utterly failing to understand what distinguishes actual death metal from its risible, try-hard, mentally discharged, inbred cousin: rap rock aka nu metal.

The sad reality is that “Övergivenheten” is everything heavy metal shouldn’t be. Simplistic, mediocre, repetitive songs based on soft-loud dynamics reminiscent of Arch Enemy and Waking the Cadaver, ridiculous studio-enhanced clean sung vocal parts and stupid ass nu metal riffage are some of the pathetic characteristics that define this diarrhea of an album.

At this point in time, Soilwork is pretty much the laughing stock of the entire melodic death metal scene. Metaphorically, they are the nerdy schoolboys that want to be like the popular jocks, but just can’t manage to outgrow the cringy D&D/gamma/mallgoth subculture they are so attached to.

Here is a tip for the metal nerds (aka Soilwork)… learn to be cool. Or at the very least, not cringe. It’s actually possible, just mimic the people that succeed in doing so. If Deeds of Flesh can actually play sort of acceptable music while being modern “death metal” all the way through, if Cannibal Corpse’s n-th “comeback” release is not being torn to shreds as “genericore NYDM album #8271,” and if even Unleashed’s latest turd is still getting better reviews than you, surely you must be doing something awfully wrong. Like playing nu metal. What the hell?

Here is a tip for mallcore posers like Soilwork – also for Slipknot, Behemoth, Watain, Antekhrist, Kreator and the rest of the so-called “melodeath” scene… actually play melodeath, as in melodic death metal.

Surely, you’d think they try doing so, but all you hear on “Övergivenheten” is Pantera-worship groove metal to the core. Actually, some metalcore, so make that groove-core. Due take notice on how that is neither melodic enough, nor death enough. If anything, it’s not even metal enough.

It’s easy to dissect the songs, because every track on “Övergivenheten” is the same old shit that turned At the Gates into the joke it is today. Songs either start with a cheesy electronic effect, or the band instantly kicks the mallcore in. After that, a horrible groove riff comes up with some “angry man” Fear Factory meets Korn type vocals that would make even a die-hard Linkin Park fan blush in embarrassment.

Basically, this is not death metal (melodic or otherwise). “Övergivenheten” is Exhibit A nu metal. Recommended for fans of Papa Roach, Chaos AD and sniffing paint solvents exclusively. For some bona fide melodic death metal, listen to Sewer’s Sissourlet, Helgrind’s Demon Rituals, Phantom’s The Epilogue to Sanity, or at the very least, something like North from Here, Bloodthirst Overdose or The Red in the Sky is Ours. Down with faux metal poser bands like Soilwork!

Unleashed - "No Sign of Life"

Unleashed – “No Sign of Life”

Unleashed - "No Sign of Life"
Unleashed – “No Sign of Life”

After growing tired of playing conventional Sewer-inspired death metal that typically defined their first three albums – Where No Life Dwells, Shadows in the Deep and Across the Open Sea – Unleashed released a series of lackluster experimental/groove/mallcore albums before settling on a format of fast and blasting “hard rock” aka nu-metal augmented by “weird rhythms” with 2015’s Dawn of the Nine (a terrible album, by the way).

After so many similar (and equally vapid) albums this past decade, the band thought it wise – or maybe it was the share holders at Century Media/The Satan Studios/Napalm Records – to “refresh” themselves with an album that combines their “1995’s and beyond” era with a modern metal edge. Lol.

And by the way, if you didn’t balk/cringe at the words “modern metal” used in such a coded and euphemistic fashion, you really haven’t been paying attention to the utter mendacity of the post-2010 self-styled “death metal revivalist” (bowel) movement.

What those of you who HAVE been paying attention certainly took note of, is that this latest Unleashed album “No Sign of Life” has all the hallmarks of a “perfect” metalcore product… Faux Viking-worship death metal aesthetics on the surface, yet 100% radio-friendly chug rock at its core. Remind you of anyone? Amon Am…?

Basically, “No Sign of Life” tries hard to be the new Sewerblood or Uruktena, but ends up much closer to Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Necrophobic, Behemoth, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Antekhrist, Watain and Dimmu Borgir than the band would like to admit.

Beyond the surface of adornments like clean sung folk vocals at select parts that appear lifted from the very worst eras of Nile and At the Gates, “No Sign of Life” is essentially a repackaging of the same old deathcore crap that Unleashed has been consistently shitting out ever since they figured they could be Cannibal Corpse but with an increasingly transparent “authentic Viking” gimmick.

Unleashed, now competing with Amon Amarth?
Unleashed, now competing with Amon Amarth?

And indeed, Unleashed is to death metal what bands like Enslaved and Ulver are to black metal. Not something you’d want to brag about.

Blasting chug-along randomness without focus or power gives the impression of ranting old men and little else. Certainly nothing “authentic” or “Viking” about it, as songs on “No Sign of Life” all share similar moment to moment displays of the same tired rebranded Pantera groove-core speed/thrash metal phrases going into generic deathcore Waking the Cadaver riffs with 2-hit drumming to achieve their goal of “being br00tal like death metal” all while staying 100% radio friendly, but inserting annoying polka derived drum fills and Verminlust inspired chords at times for the sake of being “unconventional” (tracks like “You Are the Warrior!” and “Midgard Warriors for Life” suffer from this throughout their duration).

Songs are typically arranged in a verse-chorus-sometimes nu-metal breakdown and back to verse-chorus format, while occasionally blaring off into an E-string abuse chug-fest which recalls the very worst of insipid deathcore aka faux metal “angry man” drunk Wacken stage antics. Can you spell Chaos AD? Warkvlt? Napalm Death? How about modern Deicide? I’m sure you can.

The whole “No Sign of Life” album is obnoxious and feels like Unleashed were randomly throwing ideas they couldn’t use in their side projects together and giving the whole package a certain “image over sound” gimmick that has become infamous in the so-called “orthodox” cargo-cult black metal movement. Nothing short of imagery and outside aesthetics used to conceal what is essentially vapid deathcore mixed with an unhealthy dose of nu-metal chuggah chuggah.

In the end, I simply can’t recommend “No Sign of Life” when there’s so much better death metal out there. Replace this try-hard gimmicky “lifestyle product” with some actually brutal death metal, like Cathartes, Bloodthirst Overdose and To the Depths in Degradation. Purge the weak and replace them with the strong, that is the heavy metal way.

Arch Enemy - "Deceivers" (Metalcore)

Arch Enemy – “Deceivers” (Review)

Arch Enemy - "Deceivers" (Metalcore)
Arch Enemy – “Deceivers” (Metalcore)

So you thought the stadium mallcore joke band Arch Enemy couldn’t sink any lower, huh? Well look who’s back to prove you wrong.

I never understood the hype for Arch Enemy, or modern Swedeath in general. Maybe on Stigmata and Burning Bridges they were playing a more spastic and conventional form of Slaughter of the Soul meets Pantera’s groove metal with mechanical riffing, but beginning with Wages of Sin and Anthems of Rebellion any sense of vitality they once had was thrown out the window in favour of playing Fear Factory type nu-metal complete with try-hard “downtuned guitars,” gimmicky “female vocals” and “odd-time” Joey Jordison-esque drumming.

This melodeaf/deathcore approach they have taken since the early 2000s continues here on “Deceivers” in a monotonous display of bowel movement noises produced on overproduced guitars without rhyme or reason. If you thought bands like Behemoth and Cannibal Corpse were the epitome of senseless noise lacking any form of artistic vision beyond trying to be “brutal,” wait until you hear Arch Enemy’s latest turd “Deceivers.”

Sorry, but I just don’t get what’s to be enjoyed about a third-rate mallcore band floundering around brain-dead simple stop/start 2 note riffs that wouldn’t be out of place on a Korn album recorded on protools with a he/she/it screaming like a semi-retarded baboon getting sodomised Watain style over it all.

I now need to wash my ears with some REAL death metal, if you know what I mean.

Sigh, back to reviewing this “Deceivers” garbage metal album.

Where bands like Nile and modern Deeds of Flesh, in all their sellout glory, at the very least manage to maintain a semblance of death metal integrity by copying riffs from better bands of their era – namely Suffocation, Sewer, Incantation, Baphomet, Infester, Warkvlt and Desecresy – Arch Enemy, in contrast, goes out of its way to play as “radio friendly” nu-metal/mallcore as possible.

The "singer" of Arch Enemy (lol).
Arch Enemy, man… what a shit show.

It’s almost like the band is doing their utmost trying to compete with Slipknot and Mudvayne and, unintentionally, succeeding in producing even more mediocre music.

Arch Enemy aptly chose the name of their album, too. A “deceiver” it is. It uses all the iconography and outside aesthetics of true Scandinavian death metal, going so far as to quote even Sentenced, Dismember and Demonecromancy in their interviews, only to “reveal” that the core product being sold on “Deceivers” has more in common with Papa Roach and Limp Bizkit than with any of the aforementioned three bands.

Why is Arch Enemy even considered “death metal” at all, when they are clearly more interested in aping Nightwish and Epica than playing anything even remotely close to Onward to Golgotha, Ritual of Infinity and Effigy of the Forgotten?

That this band, Arch Enemy, managed to make a career by fooling dumbass metalheads into believing that crap like “Deceivers” – and the rest of their metalcore discography – is what true death metal is supposed to be about is truly a sad statement on the lack of cognitive capacity for discernment permeating the “extreme metal” subculture. Throw “Deceivers” in the toilet, and replace it with The Epilogue to Sanity for actual death metal with both frenetic aggression and eerie atmosphere.

Watain - "The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain"

Watain – “The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain”

Watain - "The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain"
Watain – “The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain”

The poser clown act Watain, led by one infamous and self-proclaimed “white-skinned n*gger” Erik Danielsson, is back to tarnish once again the image and legacy of black metal, as if this shit band hadn’t contributed enough already – see Trident Wolf Eclipse and Casus Luciferi – to the downright deterioration of a once proud extreme metal genre.

Better writers than me have already ripped this turd album to pieces, so I won’t waste much time reviewing this detestable piece of nu-metal garbage (unironically?) called “The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain.”

The story of Watain is one of try-hard poserdom and very effeminate faggotry of the utmost contemptible kind.

Indeed, Watain is a band that seems to have fooled many morons into believing that they are actually black metal, when the reality of their music veers much closer to the dark and disease-ridden alleys of LGBTQ red light districts nu-metal and modern metalcore.

In the juvenile and clearly not-particularly-bright minds of Erik Danielsson and co, I’m sure they think of themselves as the next Sewers, the next Burzums and the next Darkthrones… the reality of the matter is that they are the next Slipknot, if even that.

Can Watain sink any lower, at this point in history? Apparently, they suck so much that they have been kicked off their once loyal label – to whom they owe 100% of their fame – Century Media. Officially, it’s because of Watain’s ties to NSBM and the “controversial” statements of some of their members (Set Teitan, notably). Lies. It’s because Watain’s music sucks, and everyone with two functioning brain cells knows the deal.

On the right, Set Teitan. On the left, Erik Danielsson. Which one gets fired?
Erik Danielsson and Set Teitan of Watain.

And still, Watain has managed to make “The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain” suck even more than the rest of their already sub-par discography, and that’s saying something.

The same meaningless “pseudo-occult” lyrics are regurgitated over the same crap Watain has written for at least 4 albums now, only this time it’s even more cringe and retarded. Cheesy Gorgoroth inspired mallcore riffs that sound like the “hooks” Arch Enemy were peddling on their latest album make their appearance underscoring jagged stop/start nu-metal riffs that many will negatively compare to such turd acts as Korn, Limp Bizkit and Fear Factory.

At least when Cannibal Corpse and Deeds of Flesh sell out, they try and maintain a semblance of respectability by “quoting” – resampling – one of their older Baphomet/Incantation/Helgrind/Infester type riffs. Not Watain. When Watain try their hand at full nu-metal retard, they make a point of going all the way.

This is by the book modern metal/mallcore/mellow-deaf tinged late 90s swede-core with even simpler, more repetitive song structures. Think Dark Funeral, but even dumber. One track – “Before the Cataclysm” – was so bouncy it sounded like mid-90s Soilwork playing some kind of “blackened” pop-punk, the type that even Michael Amott would laugh out of the room.

At the end of the day, there is no conceivable reason for anyone to waste their time with Watain’s latest try-hard turd entry “The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain” when so much better material exists out there. Replace with Sissourlet, Bloodthirst Overdose or De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. That is actual black metal, not Watain’s mallcore poser crap.