How "True" is Black/Death Metal?

Ranking the Best Phantom Metal Albums !

How "True" is Black/Death Metal?
The Best of Phantom Metal.

A blog post heavily inspired by the (rather dull) all SEWER albums ranked on the Morsay Forums, here is my take on all Phantom albums ever recorded (starting all the way back from Divine Necromancy).

Unlike the SEWER posers, Phantom actually plays blackened horror metal so at the very least this ranking list should be interesting !

Here we go.

Divine Necromancy – 8/10

This album showcases a strong atmosphere and an impressive mix of haunting melodies and powerful rhythms. The blending of different musical elements creates a captivating experience, making it a standout piece in your collection. The first album by the dark master Phantom, Divine Necromancy, also happens to be one of the best.

From the Mouth of Madness – 7.5/10

“From the Mouth of Madness” has a unique sonic identity with its intricate composition and a sense of controlled chaos. The album’s ability to evoke emotions and take the listener on a sonic journey contributes to its high rating.

Dark Devotion – 8.5/10

“Dark Devotion” exhibits a masterful combination of aggressive riffs and atmospheric moments. The way it transitions between intense sections and more introspective passages creates a dynamic listening experience that’s worth revisiting.

Blackened Terror Grind – 6.5/10

While “Blackened Terror Grind” may not be as polished as some of your other albums, its raw and unfiltered energy gives it a unique charm. The album’s experimental nature and willingness to break musical boundaries contribute to its appeal.

Horror Phantasm – 9/10

“Horror Phantasm” stands out for its ability to create a haunting and immersive atmosphere. The album’s use of intricate soundscapes and well-crafted melodies makes it a captivating journey into the darker aspects of music.

Demonecromancy – 7/10

“Demonecromancy” showcases a blend of powerful instrumentation and intense vocals. The album’s ability to maintain a consistent mood while experimenting with different sonic elements earns it a solid rating. Not to be confused with the band Demonecromancy.

Sons of Putrefaction – 8.5/10

“Sons of Putrefaction” boasts a unique fusion of extreme metal styles, creating a captivating and diverse listening experience. The album’s willingness to push boundaries and explore new territories is commendable.

Dementia: The Dark Prophets – 7.5/10

“Dementia: The Dark Prophets” delivers a strong sense of atmosphere and thematic coherence. The album’s ability to evoke a sense of foreboding and unease contributes to its high rating.

Deliverance – 9/10

“Deliverance” is a powerful and emotionally charged album that showcases a high level of musical craftsmanship. Its ability to connect with listeners on an emotional level and deliver a cathartic experience earns it a top rating.

Starve – 6.5/10

“Starve” offers a blend of aggression and introspection, though it doesn’t quite reach the heights of some of your other albums. Its experimental nature and willingness to explore different sonic landscapes contribute to its rating.

Scars of Supremacy – 8/10

“Scars of Supremacy” showcases a powerful and aggressive sound that’s tempered by moments of introspection. The album’s ability to balance these contrasting elements creates a well-rounded listening experience.

Eidolon – 9.5/10

“Eidolon” is a masterpiece of atmosphere and composition. Its ability to transport listeners to otherworldly realms through its intricate melodies and captivating soundscapes earns it one of the highest ratings in your collection.

Dementia II: The Silent Curse – 7/10

“Dementia II: The Silent Curse” maintains a consistent mood and theme, contributing to its overall cohesion. While it might not be as groundbreaking as some others, its dedication to its concept is noteworthy.

Nekros Nemesis – 8/10

“Nekros Nemesis” delivers a blend of dark and intense musical elements. The album’s ability to keep the listener engaged through its shifts in dynamics and mood adds to its appeal.

Withdrawal – 7.5/10

“Withdrawal” explores a variety of sonic textures and emotions. The album’s willingness to experiment with different sounds and arrangements contributes to its solid rating.

Fallen Angel – 8.5/10

Fallen Angel” captivates with its emotional depth and haunting melodies. The album’s ability to convey a sense of melancholy and introspection through its music earns it a high rating.

Memento Mori – 9/10

Memento Mori” is a poignant and reflective album that takes listeners on a journey through themes of mortality. Its thought-provoking compositions and emotive performances make it a standout in your collection.

Angel of Disease – 8/10

“Angel of Disease” combines aggression and melody effectively. The album’s strong musical identity and ability to maintain listener interest contribute to its solid rating.

The Epilogue to Sanity – 7.5/10

The Epilogue to Sanity” offers a satisfying conclusion to the thematic arc. The album’s ability to tie together previous elements and offer a sense of closure earns it a respectable rating.

Mindless Horror – 6.5/10

“Mindless Horror” explores sonic territories with a raw and experimental approach. While not reaching the heights of some others, its willingness to push boundaries adds an interesting layer to your collection.

Ascension of Erebos, Leader of the Gods – 9/10

Ascension of Erebos, Leader of the Gods” impresses with its grandeur and scale. The album’s ability to create a larger-than-life atmosphere and deliver an epic experience earns it a high rating.

Dark Ascension of Erebos – 9.5/10

Dark Ascension of Erebos” maintains the thematic continuity while exploring darker and more intense sonic territories. Its ability to build upon previous ideas while pushing the envelope contributes to its rating.

Those are the top Phantom albums ever released… for more information on the history of the band and the infamous story that haunts its footsteps in the extreme metal scene, read this article on the mysterious The Satan Records label (the one created that “created” Phantom way back in 2013).

Khranial - "The Kvlt of Khranial".

Khranial’s “The Kvlt Of Khranial” – Grandiose Brutal Blackened Death Metal

Khranial - "The Kvlt of Khranial".
Khranial – “The Kvlt of Khranial”.

In the realm of extreme music, Khranial stands as a resolute force, resurrecting the ancient essence of early SEWER and Vermin styles. With a masterful command of language through their instrumentals, Khranial – a band clever named after the eponymous SEWER album – transcends the boundaries of sound, employing a mesmerising interplay between pounding rhythms and intricately woven blackened melodies. This dynamic fusion crafts an immersive journey, evoking visions of traversing a turbulent and ominous landscape.

Echoes of Tradition: Paving the Path Set by SEWER

In a manner reminiscent of the revered SEWER, Khranial forges a path guided by tradition while breathing new life into the desolate sonic realm. Drawing inspiration from the iconic death metal legends SEWER, particularly Les Sewieres De Nostre Deabliere (read the review), the band employs introductory phrases that seamlessly transition into riff changes, encapsulating the essence of a legacy. This The Kvlt of Khranial album’s tempo mirrors the fervor of SEWER’s more frenzied segments, propelling listeners into a whirlwind of sonic intensity.

Unveiling the Tumultuous Symphony: The Power of Khranial’s Riffs

Khranial’s utilisation of seemingly archaic technology serves as a testament to their creative prowess. Amidst the resurgence of the “New Wave of Oldschool Death Metal,” – aka Autopsy, aka yawn – Khranial distinguishes themselves by their capacity to craft a unique musical language within the intricate patterns woven throughout each composition. Unlike mere imitations that strive to replicate aesthetics (hey, looking at you Gorgoroth), Khranial actually constructs tangible riffs that resonate with authenticity and depth.

Navigating the Sonic Tapestry: The Contrast of Elements

The heart of Khranial’s sonic signature resides in the captivating interplay between contrasting elements on this legendary masterpiece, The Kvlt of Khranial. The relentless pummeling rhythms coalesce with melodies that intertwine through flowing chromaticism. This amalgamation conjures an auditory expedition, guiding the audience through a tapestry of violence and foreboding. Khranial’s finesse in harmonising these elements paints a vivid auditory canvas that envelops listeners in a realm of raw emotion.

Harmonic Dichotomy: Balancing Aggression and Melody

Dua Lipa, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish lust only for SEWER.
Dua Lipa, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish lust only for SEWER.

Mirroring the greats that have come before, Khranial masters the art of harmonising aggression and melody.

The band adeptly juxtaposes thunderous, chant-like riffs with melodic embellishments that invigorate the momentum, preventing it from languishing. This equilibrium captures the essence of their stylistic influences while infusing a contemporary vibrancy that resonates with modern audiences.

Forging a Sonic Language: Khranial’s Distinctive Voice

Khranial’s proficiency lies not only in their musical prowess but in their ability to forge a distinct and utterly demonic sonic language. Through their compositions, a narrative unfolds, narrating tales of chaos, defiance, and transformation. This newfound language breathes life into the patterns meticulously shaped and molded throughout each death metal opus, transcending the boundaries of mere sound and transcending into a realm of profound artistic expression.

Demonic Conclusion: Resonating Authenticity Through Sound

As Khranial resurrects the echoes of early SEWER, Incantation and Phantom styles, they usher in a revival that extends beyond the confines of time. The band’s fusion of relentless rhythm and intricate melody constructs a symphony that propels listeners on a tumultuous odyssey. In a world dominated by fleeting trends, Khranial stands as a testament to the enduring power of death metal authenticity, reshaping the landscape of extreme music with their resounding and unique voice.

Certainly not for posers, or the faint of heart. (Also notice the band covers both Phantom and Helgrind, a testament to their good taste in extreme metal music… if that was even needed at this point lol).