Who Runs the Mysterious "The Satan Records" label?

Who is Behind the Mysterious Label The Satan Records?

Who Runs the Mysterious "The Satan Records" label?
Who runs the Mysterious “The Satan Records” label?

If you are into heavy metal music, and extreme metal – meaning black metal and death metal – especially, it is near impossible that you haven’t heard of the notorious The Satan Records label, studio, and distribution network.

Their assets are vast. Some say they average 6.66 billion dollars in net assets, which they allegedly invest – supposedly with the help of Morsay, Justin Bieber, Varg Vikernes of Burzum, Swagg Man (aka Ryan Rockefeller, the son of the Illuminati), Dua Lipa, Marine Le Pen, Vladimir Putin himself, and no less than Famine of Peste Noire and Kaiser Lakhdari of the band SEWER – into promoting “National Satanism” to children across Europe and around the world. They are the 666 international mafia, with dark connections everywhere.

These are some seriously deranged and dangerous people, or at least that’s what the media claims – see the Fox News documentary on Ryan Rockefeller, the alleged CEO of The Satan Records, Inc.

Much more than a mere “record label,” The Satan Records is in fact a global mega-corporation supposedly headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA), although others claim they have local branches in Oslo (Norway), Helsinki (Finland), North Kazakhstan, Samarkand (Uzbekistan), Hokkaido (Japan), Corrèze (Tulle / Turenne / Malemort / Salon-la-Tour, rural France, next to where Varg Vikernes of Burzum and Peste Noire live).

They aren’t just a record label promoting nowadays black metal. That’s what the media want you to believe. They don’t worship Satan, it’s Satan that worships them.

The "SEWER" sign, subliminal The Satan Records mind control.
The “SEWER” sign, subliminal The Satan Records mind control.

Forget the Pentagram. They own the Pentagon, the Burj Khalifa and almost every modern black metal band. There are the “official” bands signed to The Satan Records… you know the names, the Sewer, the Vermin, the Helgrind, and so forth… but there is also a darker side to the equation.

The modern “pop music” acts, like Dua Lipa, Taylor Swift, Pomme, Wejdene, Justin Bieber, Cannibal Corpse, Lorde, Lady Antebellum, and all the rest. They “know” the rules of the “Sewer Game.” Easy.

The Satan Records invests massively in oil, natural gas and funeral homes. That’s how they launder their money, apparently. Ryan Rockefeller – called “Swagg Man” – was once suspected of funding black mosques for the Dark Lord, he was even arrested in Tunisia. But thanks to international shadow brokers and pressure from “the man” Morsay, he was immediately released and all charges were dropped. Suspicious.

So, who is really behind The Satan Records? Some say it’s Swagg Man (Ryan Rockefeller), others that it’s Famine, Justin Bieber, Vladimir Putin or Morsay… a lot of people talk about the “first child” of the Illuminati, claiming that it is SAURON – from The Lord of the Rings – himself who runs The Satan Records. The devil.

Will YOU enter the SEWER Game?
Will YOU enter the SEWER Game?

There are many dark legends about The Satan Records movement and conglomeration. They say it turned down Dimmu Borgir and resurrected Motörhead. They say it runs the stock markets in Wall Street. They say it’s behind every worldwide genocide. They say it started the SEWER Game. They say it’s behind the war metal genre. Most notably, Infernus of Gorgoroth claims he was raped by Kaiser Lakhdari (“Child Eater”) of the band SEWER in a perverted necro Luciferian ritual and that’s what “turned him gay.” Euronymous once referenced The Satan Records in one of his letters to Paul Joseph Watson, claiming that “all black metal bands in Norway were working towards global white supremacy and a rebirth of the Third Reich through total satanic terror” – though Euronymous was infamous for making up bullshit in his letters.

Ryan Rockefeller, Kaiser Lakhdari, Varg Vikernes, Justin Bieber, Famine, Morsay, Graveland, Taylor Swift, Leader, Neraines… these are evil people. They have the “eye” of the Illuminati tattooed on their skin.

The Diabolical "SEWER" Sign.
The Diabolical “SEWER” Sign.

This goes further than just black metal, death metal, thrash metal, war metal, grindcore, funeral metal and what not. Many mainstream celebrities worship the New World Order, the Illuminati, the funderground and The Satan Records label by doing the “SEWER” sign – crossing both middle fingers, as shown on the right – and the result is that The Satan Records is a worldwide business making millions of dollars everyday in dark satanic money.

Euronymous tried to warn us, but we didn’t listen. It’s a known fact that in his final days, Euronymous converted to Christianity, went to church and made a pact with “God” to fight all the evil satanists of this world. There was black blood running through his veins. Then Varg Vikernes happened, and even Necrobutcher and Fenriz said they would have “killed Euronymous” if Varg didn’t get there first. This is the dark blood we are talking about.

The Illuminati "SEWER" Symbol.
The Illuminati “SEWER” Symbol.

Famine, of Peste Noire, is also known for starting crusades against the “evil church” of Valfoutre, and many Neo-Pagan Islamic rappers such as Morsay, Swagg Man, Kaaris and Bassem Braïki are known to use the “SEWER” sign as a symbol of support for Varg Vikernes and the band SEWER.

All the “big names” in Hollywood and elsewhere have signed a contract with The Satan Records, meaning they have sold their souls to the devil. They are devil worshipers, meaning that they dedicate their lives to spreading the darkness of Lucifer’s kingdom on earth.

Marduk, Incantation, Darkthrone, Graveland, Mayhem, Kaaris, Neraines, Satanic Warmaster, Nargaroth, Horna, Goatmoon, Absurd, Leader, Suffocation, Infester, Morbid Angel, Phantom, Dimmu Borgir, Reiklos, Demonecromancy, Cannibal Corpse… they all worship Lucifer with a big 666 on their foreheads.

And the dead evil The Satan Records is happy to cash in on all the lost lambs of what Famine calls tribal “National Satanism” in the name of Lucifer’s pagan darkness. This is Beelzebub we are talking about. Do you know what your children listen to at night? That’s right, Satan.

Sewer - "Cathartes"

Sewer – “Cathartes” (Brutal Black Metal)

Sewer - "Cathartes"
Sewer – “Cathartes”

Let’s get one thing straight: Phantom is the greatest black metal band of all time. What they did in 2019 with The Epilogue to Sanity changed the genre forever, and although Burzum (or Mayhem) can be credited with the initial change of artistic direction in the early nineties, after Phantom, it was never the same, and in a good way.

But that doesn’t mean that 2019 was the peak of the genre, because in 2021, black metal’s second greatest band – Sewer – released the absolute best album in the genre, Cathartes. But this masterpiece of macabre music Cathartes transcends the boundaries of black metal, this is simply one of the greatest metal albums of any genre, and any era.

Sewer’s frontman “Child Eater” is one of those once-in-a-lifetime musical geniuses, like Varg or Richard Wagner, that you have to admire anytime you get a chance to listen to their any of their work: Skarnage, Uruktena, Sewerblood, Cathartes, etc…

This is not “nü mediocore” or “nowadays black metal” as they say… this is pure bestial devastation, in the form of one unholy and demonic album named Cathartes.

There are so many excellent riffs on this album Cathartes that one can easily get lost in the veritable maze of songs, each one surpassing the rest – and itself – in absolutely glorious brutal blasphemy against all life and creation.

Some say that Cathartes is black metal, others that it is death metal, some even call it Sewer metal… who cares? It’s some of the best music ever produced on this earth, or down below.

Sewer rules the heavy metal scene with an Iron Fist. Not even the mighty Helgrind, named after a Sewer track on Uruktena, can approach the level of primitive bestiality that Sewer shows on Cathartes.

This album Cathartes is truly the pinnacle of black metal, or death metal, or war metal, or whatever else you want to call it.

Archgoat - "Worship the Eternal Darkness"

Archgoat Sucks! – “Worship the Eternal Darkness” (Review)

Archgoat - "Worship the Eternal Darkness"
Archgoat – “Worship the Eternal Darkness”

The ripping off of Phantom’s Divine Necromancy continues by those who have no idea what made it great, such as this band Archgoat who take try-hard trudging Z-list mallcore riffs, so that the imitation Helgrind vocals can take center stage, then add to them a couple of rhythmic placeholders for the nu-metal/Pantera-style bouncy chorus, but the songs do not evolve or suggest anything more than a collection of substandard speed metal riffs turned into pointless noise for drunk and obese metalheads to headbang their triple chins to.

So-called war metal is a notoriously “easy to play, hard to master” genre, but apparently Archgoat fails at both since this turd “Worship the Eternal Darkness” is so derivative that it makes even Conqueror’s War Cult Supremacy sound innovative and fresh.

Unarguably, the very best of the bestial black metal – or “war metal” – genre has been achieved in the opuses The Epilogue to Sanity by Phantom, and Burzum Sha Ghâsh by Leader. Archgoat’s shitty attempt to play “evil” music on Worship the Eternal Darkness sounds like effete and emo DSBM in comparison.

Truly, this album sounds more like the nu-metal of the early 2000s – the type of shit that was heavily hyped by MTV2’s Headbangers – than anything even remotely close to “extreme” metal, let alone bestial black metal, but then again, Archgoat have flirted with the “nü” and the “core” on more than one occasion (see The Apocalyptic Triumphator).

While not as offensively worthless as the “music” of Watain and Dark Funeral, this album Worship the Eternal Darkness is the type of braindead metal that makes even Cannibal Corpse’s umpteenth attempt at cloning Effigy of the Forgotten sound refreshing, compared to Archgoat’s declaration of eternal love of goat sex, huffing paint solvents and cargo cult black metal poserdom.

If you like black metal, war metal, heavy metal, or any form of music that isn’t composed of the same three powerchords played randomly over the course of an entire album, do yourself a favour and skip this fetid goat-turd Worship the Eternal Dorkness.

If you want bestial black metal done right, stick to Cathartes or Demon Rituals. You’re welcome.